Progress updates

Scroll down for updates on our progress as part of the ‘We’re going racing’ project as we work hard to get back racing

Update 1 – 21/2/22

The club reformed officially on 22nd of January. Our thanks go to president Graham Muller and secretary/treasurer Doug Mitchell who have kept the club running since racing finished in the late 90s.

The new executive consists of Tom Huf as President, Zeb Chivell Vice President, Greg Milburn Secretary and Trav Horman as Treasurer. Other committee members are Ken Retallick, Gary Bolonis, Shane Roberts and Shane Hakopa.

The first major working bee was held on 20th February with some great progress being made. The majority of the track has been slashed and its fences removed. The tyres have also been tidied up so the track is now ready for some landscaping as we look to level out verges and remove rocks and debris. From there we will look to build new fences, replace kerbs and redesign the in and out grids. We’ll also replace the control tower, add other admin and racing infrastructure and look to fix parts of the track that have become uneven.

Thanks to Zeb Chivell’s Bobcat Hire and also to Hallams for the use of their loader – we certainly wouldn’t have been able to achieve so much at the first working bee without them.

On the admin side, things are going very well in the background as the club looks to line up things like affiliation and insurances that will allow us to go racing. The focus is definitely on maximum participation and low costs – expect a lot of great announcements over coming months.

Members of the committee have also been getting out and doing some research by visiting other tracks. A highlight was speaking to members of the Geelong Kart Club at a recent club day. Many lessons were learnt about track setup and running a club day. We can’t wait to get back racings.

The support of the local community has been nothing short of amazing, with enormous amounts of materials, equipment and labour generously donated to the club already. We’re so lucky to be part of such a supportive community.

if you would like to get involved and help the club get back racing, you can jump on as a member (memberships are now online at our shop) to help us with track developments, or speak to a committee member if you can donate materials, equipment or time.

We’ll also have more content added to the website over time, with a great range of sponsorship packages to become available soon. Get in touch if you’d like to be involved!